If you are in need of purchasing my products or services on a dealer basis, we are pretty easy to work with and offer a fair number of unique services, including but not limited to:
-Adjustable Gas Blocks. I can offer my gas blocks on an OEM basis for your manufacturing needs and can also mark them with your name.
–Digital Fingerprint (EFT) File Service. You don’t need a $7000 kiosk to do prints, you just need a scanner. Let me help you with your fingerprinting needs so you don’t have to farm out your customers to other shops or go into debt for a huge appliance.
–Laser Engraving. I can offer pre-engraving for rapid Form 1 filing for your customers, manufacturer markings for FFL and/or SOTs or general mail-order engraving for shops.
–01/03 Form 2 Service. If you need anything marked and manufactured for your 01/03, I can knock that out for you.
-California Compliance Middleman Services. Whether it is reshipping firearms to your shop, installing parts, blocking magazines or ordering guns on your behalf, I have you covered. Don’t let the Iron Kurtain curtail your needs.
Got something in mind for your customers? Shoot over an email at sales@wojtekweaponry.com or call 603-441-5469. I would love to chat about your needs and to make your customers happy.